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As time goes on, 3D printing finds more and more applications across a variety of industries. The fashion industry is seeing the beginnings of an explosion in wearable 3D prints, including 3D printed jewellery and clothing.

Fashion is an aesthetic industry driven by innovations in design and materials, as well as trends which provide the guiding principles. 3D printing and 3D modelling technologies are allowing designers to push their capabilities into new realms.

3D Printed Dress

The Kinematic Dress was created by the design studio Nervous System and printed by Shapeways. It is the world’s first fully 3D printed dress. Using what they refer to as a “4D printing process” dubbed Kinematics, the dress was printed as one complete sheet which is then folded to created the wearable dress. Printed in nylon, the dress is comprised of thousands of conjoined triangular panels that give the dress it’s unique look as well as allowing it to move freely.

3D Printed Jewellery

The Kinematics printing process has also been utilised by Nervous System in the production of printable jewellery. Here we are seeing a departure from the traditional aesthetics of jewellery and a move towards new design paradigms that take advantage of 3D printing and 3D modelling

The future of 3D Printed Fashion

We are seeing beginnings of a new era of design and manufacture in the fashion industry. The capabilities that 3D printing and 3D modelling technologies afford a designer are immense and could become a driving force in new fashion trends in years to come. As the technology and the software are developed further, and eventually reach the consumer market, we could also see a big increase in custom printable clothing and jewellery in the near future.

Costumery and Cosplay

Instead of 3D printing full items of clothing, 3D printers in fashion are often used to supplement parts of a whole design, like embellishments, accessories, and buttons. This is a boon for other creative industries like the film and stage production industries, or cosplay enthusiasts, as new worlds are opened up to allow low-cost and intricate outfits.

Brainchild 3D Printing offers a specialised service for film and stage productions for both costume and prop design, which saves you the high cost of investing in your own 3D printer.

We also offer cosplayers the ability to create wearable 3D prints of cosplay gear from scratch, which can save a lot of money in the long run, as cosplay outfits can otherwise be very expensive. Today, many cosplayers and prop makers exclusively use 3D printing technology to create amazing costumes on tight budgets.

Want to get started? 3D printing file repository MyMiniFactory provides a huge array of free STL files for 3D printing ideas to create 3D printed cosplay accessories from your favourite movie and video game franchises. L:et us know how we can help you with your 3D printed props, anime outfits, masks, Halloween costumes, model spaceships, 3D printed Stormtooper helmets or any other creative 3D concepts you have in mind.

Read more about our Prop Making & Cosplay service.