Customer Testimonials

10 out of 10. Great, friendly and fast service. I will definitely be using these guys again.

KRISPEStreet Artist

Very good service and quality!

Sebastian Happ

Very friendly and fast service. The quality of the products is extremely good. Much appreciated.

Vitalii Mykytenko

These guys are really friendly and professional and you can just tell they love what they're doing. I approached them with a couple of ideas I had and they worked out all the technical stuff for me, kept me informed every step of the way and actually improved upon my initial designs. In the end they saved me a lot of hassle, time and money.

Benjamin StelmaSmall Business Owner

Very quick and efficient friendly service, much appreciated these days! Also very intuitive, they knew what I needed better than I did myself. Thank you Phil and the gang!

Jon K

Amazing customer service and quality 3D printing. Helped evaluate best way to bring my uni project for architecture to fruition. Brainstormed together best solution to create cables for suspension bridge components to a 1:100 scale. Feedback from uni: "Beautiful model, great concept." Couldn't have done it without Phil's 3D printing expertise. Extremely satisfied customer.

Nathan Andrews EvansArchitecture Student

I had heard about rapid prototyping and 3D printing before but didn't really understand how it could effect my business, so I booked a free consultation with the Brainchild guys to learn more about it. I explained to them an idea I had for a new product and they immediately got to work. By the afternoon I had a fair quote for the job, the next day they sent me a 3D concept drawing and the day after that I was holding the prototype in my hand.

Lucas CarmonaProduction Manager

Great service, turnaround times and people. Been wonderful to work with. Highly recommend. Phillip has looked after me from day one to finish always offering 100%. Don't Hesitate to get in contact with them. Thanks again guys. -E